Time has somehow slipped away from us. I can't believe I haven't posted since October! So much has happened. Rya has become such an angel! We started cereal at 5 and a half months. Right around 6 months we started veggies and then fruits. I must say, she likes veggies more. Especially squash and sweet potatoes. Yum. She had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I was concerned that she wouldn't nap away from the house or car, but she did great. She just laid down in Aunt Katie's room, rolled over, and fell asleep.
We just got through our second ear infection. BOO. It lasted right at two weeks. It was hell. She didn't respond to the first round of antibiotics, so after suffering through 9 days of snot and vomit, we were switched to a stronger antibiotic. It took a few days to kick in and she was finally 100% back to normal two days before Christmas. It's so nice to finally get some sleep again. Poor girl would wake up miserable. She ended up sleeping in her Boppy on our bed with us for about a week. Elevating her matress didn't seem to work as well as sleeping in the Boppy did. When we went to the doctor's the first time she weighed 18.0 pounds. Oink Oink. The next follow-up doctor's trip she lost a half a pound and was at 17.5 pounds. Our next checkup isn't until February for the 9 month well baby.
Rya's first Christmas was wonderful. We woke up Christmas morning and she opened some presents. She LOVED pulling off the paper. Of course it went straight into her mouth, but it was still cute regardless. She got a TON of clothes, some books, some toys, a drum and two super loud obnoxious play tables with music that we almost have memorized. :) We snapped a few photos, so I'll be sure to add those once I get them on the computer. Rya has started to say a few words. She says "Ma ma ma ma" (Yes! This came first.) and "Da da da da". It's great. I don't think she associates us with these, but it's still cute to hear her say them. She also says something like "Hi/Hey" when she first wakes up and "Mmmmm" when she's eating...after EVERY bite. It's like she thinks whatever she's eating is the most delicious thing she's ever had. Super funny.
Here are a few pictures from the beginning of December.
Hopefully our next post won't be so far away. I have a few videos I've tried to put up, but for some reason they just won't post. I'll keep trying so you can see some of Rya in action.
Look at how much she's changed! I can't believe how time is flying by for both of our little angels. I'm so glad to hear the ear infections are gone and that you all had wonderful holidays. She'll be crawling before you know it & then the chase is on! <3