...takes the most beautiful pictures. Here we are at Baytowne. We went to listen to the symphony brass band. They didn't show up, but we still had a nice time hanging out and eating pizza with Michelle and Richard. We love them so much and cherish the time we get to spend with them.
Time is flying. Luke will be 6 months old tomorrow. All I can say is "DANG! Where did the last 6 months go?!" He is rolling all around and trying so hard to sit up. Poor boy wants to, but he gets so excited that he starts kicking his little legs and makes himself fall over. He truly is a very happy boy. I was worried for the first 5 months b/c he was just so unhappy and so sensitive. He's much happier and just loves anything that involves causing a commotion...aka, his sister. :) Speaking of Rya: she is doing fantastic with potty training. We ventured out of the house in just trainig underwear the other day and we didn't have ANY accidents. YAY! She was also sick this past week and had to go to the doctor. 5 days of fever = no good. The dr. thought maybe she had a urinary tract infection, so she wanted Rya to give a urine sample. She asked Rya is she would go pee pee in the cup and Rya was like "yes" so off we went to the lab. I admit, I was thinking "Yeah right, like this is going to happen" to myself the whole way there while also pumping her up with confidence. Ha ha. Sure enough, she peed in the cup! It took a little bribing, but she did it! I was so impressed. Of course every other time going pee that day, she asked to pee in a cup, but still. She's getting to be a big girl and it just amazes me. She's just the sweetest thing:
I have a feeling, her brother is going to come in at a close second:
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