Poor little Miss Rya has another bug of some sort. Larry took her to the Saturday clinic this morning in hopes to get on top of whatever it is infecting her since we have a very busy week ahead of us. She is prone to ear infections and we both thought for sure it was another one. Fortunately (or is it unfortunately) her ears looked great. That being said, the doctor couldn't say what was ailing her and that it's most likely a virus and to just let it run it's course. Is it bad that I was hoping for antibiotics to knock it out of her, but since it's a virus there is nothing more we can do but treat the symptoms? Thank goodness for a DVR and Olivia recordings...poor girl is miserable.
We had a really nice week though. On Monday, Rya went to Mom's Day Out (MDO) and I celebrated my 33rd birthday. I woke to coffee AND breakfast in bed. I thought those days were long gone, so it was a very nice surprise. After a little shopping, Michelle took Larry and I to lunch at Royal Orchid. Yum! It was nice spending time with her. Rya was major fussy when I picked her up and I guess looking back it was her way of saying "I'm starting not to feel too good, Mom."
On Tuesday we had MOPS and it was a fun and great eye-opening meeting. We had some husbands come in as guests and they accompanied their wives for a panel discussion. We asked questions in hopes to get some man honesty. Questions ranged from "What is your favorite thing to do for 'Daddy time'?" to "How many times a week is fair to have sex?" lol. They were also asked if they would prefer a tidy house or a hot meal on the table when they get home from work. The answer: tidy house. :) While I was at my meeting, Rya was getting beat up by a 2 and a half year old girl. Alright, so I'm a little dramatic. She didn't really get beat up, but she did get hurt. The other girl grabbed Rya's face and clawed both cheeks, neck and right arm. The skin was broken and red. I was so upset, I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing in fear of letting my tongue go crazy. As soon as we were in the car, I broke down. I was so upset that my little girl got hurt by a "big kid" and that the paid worker in the room didn't call me to come soothe her. (I was literally in the next building.) I just knew she was crying and crying for her mama. I'm sure this isn't the last time Rya is going to be hurt when I'm not around, but I guess I just wasn't ready for it quite yet. We've been treating her battle wounds with Neosporin and they are almost gone...thank goodness.
On Wednesday, Rya went to MDO and Larry and I headed to my OB appointment. We asked nicely for an ultrasound and just loved every second of watching our baby. It's so amazing to see what's going on in there. Our wonderful doctor says everything looks good and that the baby is in the head down position. Now, let's just keep him/her there! The baby is about 5 pounds 15 ounces. They grow about an ounce a day, so we are looking at an average sized baby. I am on weekly appointments now so time is going to speed up a little now. As if it's not already moving fast enough.
Thursday marked 36 weeks and it was a down day for Rya and I at home. I don't think we went outside once all day. It was chilly again and we just took some much needed snuggle time together.
On Friday, we went to Baby Bookworms at the library and then took the rest of the afternoon to just relax. I wasn't feeling well and so we just laid low.
Today, my mom and I went to the grocery store while Larry took Rya to the doctor. We are cooking a bunch of food on Monday for the freezer. I'm hoping to get at least 17 meals made ahead of time for us to enjoy after the baby comes. It took a lot of organization and planning, but I think it will be worth it in the long run. I was amazed at how affordable everything was when we got to the checkout. If this works out, we will be doing bulk meal preparing more frequently!!
Tomorrow is my last day of teaching Sunday School and we are having a little party. I hope to be back there shortly after the baby comes, b/c I'm sure I will miss those crazy wonderful kids! Next week we have cooking, carpet cleaning, doctor's appointments and all sorts of other fun stuff planned. Thanks for reading!! xxoo