Also at the top of our fun list is cleaning and disinfecting the day after the termites swarm...6 times now! We usually get one, maybe two, bad swarms a year, but they have been persistent little things this year. It's so so so so gross. They swarm, the next day there are dead termites in random spots all over the house. So, I scrub everything down, vacuum the dead ones up and pray that was the last swarm. They swarmed again last night and hopefully today will be the last of the cleaning up of dead termites. To top it off, in the middle of the night I woke up to a creepy crawly thing on my left arm. You guessed it...nasty termite crawling on me. I got the heebie geebies, went to the bathroom and scrubbed myself with soap and water. I examined the rest of the bed and pillows thoroughly before climbing back in and attempting to fall back asleep. It took awhile...where there's one there's bound to be another. SO SO SO gross. I really hope you aren't eating while reading this.
Rya's had a fever for a few days now...just a low 100.1, 100.2, etc. It's either from her MMR shot last week or her teeth. This is one place I don't want a bug to be. She's doing so well and we are enjoying her being healthy. :) She had her 12 month well baby last week and is doing great! The doctor was so happy that we made it and are doing so good. She didn't have any concerns and said to keep doing what we were doing. My main question was what to do if Rya ate a rock. Dr. V said that if we saw her do it and she swallowed it with no problem, to bring her in to do x-rays. She said not to freak out and startle Rya if she happens to put it in her mouth because she could gasp and inhale it. I have noticed that Rya has started taking things OUT of her mouth that she doesn't want in there so the Dr. said that chances are she would realize that the rock isn't something she could eat and would take it out on her own. I'm not going to test it though. ;) Rya weighed in at 20.8 the 50th percentile. She is 29 and 1/2 inches the 50-75th percentile. Her head is 46cm in circumference...also in the 50-75th percentile. Bottom line is that she is proportioning out and filling into her head some. :) Below is a picture from our trip...Thanks for reading!
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