I can't believe I haven't done in update in almost two months! Soooo much has happened in these past two months I don't know where to even begin. Rya has proven that she LOVES the beach and the pool! She is a water baby and we just couldn't be happier.
She has really taken a liking to Kitty Willy. They are best buds. She follows him around the house and he thinks it funny to wait just before Rya's about to touch him before scurrying off to another hiding spot. Rya is speed crawling all around the house and "cruising" on anything she possibly can. She loves holding onto us and walking around the house. She also likes holding onto her Corn Popper "car" and pushing it up and down the hallway. Since she has become so mobile, I have turned our office/Florida room into her playroom. We spend most of our time out there when we are home. Rya has three teeth (two on the bottom and one on the top). She is working on getting her second top tooth. Her first top tooth on the left side of her mouth was a real bear coming in. Lots of snot and fever and aching...it was HORRIBLE compared to the others coming in. I hope the rest aren't nearly as bad as that one. We just can't believe how happy we are with her and how fast she's growing. I can't believe we are almost at a year. Time is just FLYING!
she is so beautiful! i cannot believe it has been almost a full year since her birth. time truly does fly.